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Passionate About Inspiring Others


I am Monica Dimitriu - a mind-set leadership coach and trainer - specialized in strengthening your self-confidence, finding your right career and living a purposeful life.

I believe we can do anything we aim for in life when we have clarity and direction! I believe we can be energized, inspired and self-motivated when we know where we are heading to, we know our direction, especially when we have the right mind-set and attitude for achieving what we want.

My mission is to Inspire and accompany those who want to live a purposeful life but feel stuck for the moment or feel they have lost their motivation or sense of direction.

Before finding this mission, I served as a fulfilled civil servant, holding a leadership position for many years within my national administration where I was able to bring a change in the system by introducing the ethical counsellor function in all 4000 public institutions in Romania, among other accomplishments. 


I have a vision, a clear direction and tones of motivation!


Still, I felt I can do more and I can offer more to the world. Therefore, I made a change in my life: I changed my country, my home, my network, my job and my position as well. From that, moment for a couple of years I started to search again for my direction and I felt lost and trapped with no fulfilment, no purpose and no motivation in life. The only joy I had in life at that moment was my son who gave me the drive to keep going! During this moment of my life I also met many people in the same situation! Having a good job, but living a life on automatic pilot, enjoying neither their lives nor their money.

Few years later, after starting the RadioTV live Broadcasts and starting to write my new book - Communication and Coaching Strategies to Deal with Difficult People (you can find it here, I found again my purpose and I gained my inner motivation. In that moment it became clear for me that I want to coach and train people on how to find their self-confidence and inner motivation, how to bring their dreams into their reality and how to live a meaningful life, as I have managed to do.

I invite you to come and work with me to find your inner strength and self-confidence and rediscover your true self by changing the mind-set you have gained which is blocking you now from living the best and the most meaningful life that you deserve.


You can contact me here:
*Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.* F.D. Roosevelt

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